
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A England Dragon

I have a pretty for you today that I am appalled took me so long to wear. All of my organizing brought this mishap to my attention. So, here I am correcting my mistake.

AEngland, Green, Holo

AEngland, Green, Holo

Do you want to know the best part about Dragon?? This is ONE COAT! I die. So pretty. This is a rich, mossy green packed with holo shimmer. I painted these at night, so didn't have a chance to get them out in the sun. By the time I got home form work, it was too dark.. But trust me, it's gorgeous. I highly recommend this be added to your collection.

PS - I've decided to include a thumb in pics now, instead of holding the bottle. The problem is, my thumb has a ridge that isn't bad, but obviously sticks out like a sore thumb (parden my pun) in pics. What is your favorite ridge filling base coat? I am clearly in need of one!


  1. That is a nice looking nail paint shade. Just have to say though, the advertisements on the page are just too many. They are covering the text.
