Happy Monday!
I was tagged by the AMAZING Heidi over at
My Vanity Basics and Kim at
College Polished to do a little Q&A to let you guys get to know me a little better... Here we go!
Is your hair naturally curly or straight? Straight. It's all my hair is good at doing. I wanted my hair curly and down at my wedding, and they literally had to sizzle my hair to make it happen lol! (you can totally tell how much product they used in this pic!).
What is your natural hair color? I was super blonde as a child, now I am just dirty blonde. It'll lighten up in the summer though. My hair naturally highlights the more I am out in the sun.
Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon? I have never done a full-blown die on my hair. Maybe about 6 times (in my LIFE), I have had semi-permanent highlights added to my hair. I have a gift certificate from my mama for Christmas to go get it done before this summer.
How often do you wash your hair? My hair is super fine, and therefore gets greasy very quickly. I have switched to a non-sulfate shampoo and can stretch it to two days, but I have to have my hair up on the second day. If I want my hair pretty, I wash and condition daily.
Do you wear the same style every day or change it? I either have it blown-out and straight, or in a messy bun or clip. I never do any curling or anything for a normal workday. Only special occasions.
Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon? About once a year I will go get a pedi done. Otherwise, I do it all myself.
How often to you change your nail polish? On the weekends when I swatch, multiple times in an afternoon... But usually 2-4 times a week.
Do you polish your toes in the winter, too or just in the summer? What is winter? I have never lived this strange phenomenon. lol. Here in Mesa, Arizona our "cold winter day" is about 55 degrees! Needless to say, I wear flip-flops year round and therefore NEVER have naked toes.
How long does it take to put on your makeup? My normal, workday make-up takes about 10-15 minutes. If I'm going somewhere special and want a more dramatic eye, add about 10 minutes.
What do you do first? Face or eyes? If I'm doing a dramatic eye, I do it first. But, for the most part it's always face first.
Do you "collect" makeup or just buy what you need when you need it? I don't have an extensive make-up collection. Ive been using the same foundation (Bare Minerals Matte) for years. I recently started to branch out and try new things, but for now all of my make-up fits in one drawer in my bathroom vanity.
How often do you wear false eyelashes? Pretty much only Halloween... I have pretty long eyelashes. With a curler and a couple different kinds of mascara, I can make these babies long, long, long. I have to eyelash test new sunglasses lol!
Do you do a full face of makeup every day? If by full face you mean foundation then yes. My foundation is mid-coverage so I never feel like I am caked up with make-up. If its a weekend and Im just running to the grocery store, then I just touch up with concealer and translucent powder. During the week, I add a little eyeliner, curl and mascara my lashes and add a highlight of shimmer in the corner of my eyes. Keep it simple!
Do you wear makeup when you are home alone (or with family)? If I am not leaving my house, then no.
Will you leave the house without makeup? Nope. But like I said above, I am willing to leave with minimal make-up on. This comes from years of struggling with acne. Every teeny-tiny little blemish feels like a beacon to me, so I feel self-conscience if I don't cover it up.
How many high end products do you have? Everyone's definition of high end is a little different I think... I have quite a bit high end nail polish. Some people would consider my foundation (at $30/jar) high end, although it lasts me 6-8 months so I don't find it that steep. My mascara and cream concealers are Benefit, so those would be considered high end... but that's about it in my make-up drawer lol.
How often do you wash your makeup brushes? Not often enough... I try for every other week... but my goal is to get myself into the habit of doing it every week. I am due for a washing, have to do it tonight.
Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you are getting dressed? No, I never think that far ahead lmao! When I am brushing my teeth before my shower I stand in my closet and decide. I have a Sonicare with a timer, so I know I have to decide in 2mins or less; keeps me from agonizing for too long haha!
How often do you change your handbag? I have a purse I made over a year ago that I still use every day. I have the fabric to make myself a new one, just need to bust out my sewing machine. I have small purses that I move important things into for going out, but otherwise I use my purses until they die.
What time do you get up & go to sleep? I get up at 4:45am every weekday morning.... so Im in bed by 10 at the latest. Every minute Im awake after 8:45pm is a minute I take away from my precious 8 hours of sleep... so I try to go to bed around 9 (which is much easier in the summer when The Daily Show and The Colbert Report are on at the 8 o'clock hour. In the winter when they're on at 9 I rarely go to bed before 9:30 lol).
How often & when do you workout? I do some form of activity every day... but working out is hard for me to come bye lol! My hubby is starting a new job in a couple weeks and he will have to be up at 4am; my goal is to wake up with him, do my
daily HIIT (my favorite workout videos) and make a fruit breakfast smoothie for both of us before my shower time of 5am.
Left-handed or Right-handed? This is a bit of a story lol. I was SUPPOSED to be left handed. My kindergartener teacher smacked my left hand and forced me to write righty. We aren't talking about ages ago either, this was the early 90's. Of course, I was too young to know something was wrong. I told my mom about it a few years later and she was furious. Now, my hand-writting sucks no matter what hand I use (they look almost identical, but it's faster to write with my right). But, this did help me be ambidextrous; which is handy!
How tall are you? 5'4''
Do you speak a foreign language? None fluently.
How many pets do you have? I have 4 (yes 4) dogs and 2 cats. My life is full of hair.
Christmas Card pic a few years ago - minus the youngest pup |
How often are you on Blogger? Every weekday... rarely on the weekends.
Do you read the comments posted blogs? I never miss a comment on my blog. Getting comments is the best and I truly enjoy them.
Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts? I have a draft email saved in my gmail. That way I can access it no matter where I am (mobile, work, home).
How did you come up with your blog name? I am generally a super happy person. I love the "peace love laughter" things and all of the different variations (I've even seen Peace Love Llamas lol!) so I decided I would make my own tweak to the name and make it my own!
What kind of camera do you use? It's an ancient Olypmus. I really want a new camera.
How often do you clean your house? I keep it tidy throughout the week and deep clean is (bathrooms, floors, etc) on the weekends.
What is your favorite color? My favorite color is hot pink. My favorite colors to wear are teal and purple. My favorite nail polish colors are green and blue. Im strange, I know lol.
What is your favorite beauty/fashion magazine? I only get one magazine, and it isnt beauty related lol.
Do you swear? CONSTANTLY lmao. But never on my blog, I try to keep it professional (it's hard haha). I can swear at work... which only feeds my nasty habit.
What are you doing with the rest of your day? It's lunch, so Im going to go eat, then finish my work for the day. Tonight for dinner we are having Asian Turkey Lettuce Wraps. yum-o! And I have to wash my make-up brushes when I get home (I even told my hubs this morning to remind me!)
I tag Sunny at
365 Days of Color and Cordia at
Seriously Swatched.